Far from the madding world..

Far from the madding crowd exists another me. Straying along stretches, In some abstract lanes, Eyeless hopes drive me ...

Far from the madding crowd exists another me.
Straying along stretches,
In some abstract lanes,
Eyeless hopes drive me keen.

Dark n soft firmament,
Cluttered with radiance and luminance of stars,
Casting its glow on the grass wet with dew,
Along the sidewalks to a dream distant and far,

From Miles down the pavement,
Diverges a cone of light engulfing all,
With roots enigmatic and deep,
A Few yards before me, it stalls.

While I am drawn curious,
Walking towards the impalpable,
With every reaching step,
The distance to cover doubles,

Provoked I run towards it,
Finding it a mission to explore
Fearless and audacious, I
Analyze less and live more,

But there I am, abruptly stopped
At the realization of a waking dream,
Coming alive from an adventure panorama,
The world is not what it seemed.

This is but a conscience smitten world,
Where I would have dared less, feared more
Assuming it an illusion, a fault of the vision,

Comfortable in my blanket, closing blurred doors…..

Pic credits: http://photographers.ua/

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